OpenCL Toys => MadelbulbGPU
MadelbulbGPU is a small and simple demo written in OpenCL. It is based on Keenan Crane's qjulia available at http://www.cs.caltech.edu/~keenan/project_qjulia.html. The idea of Ambient Occlusion and Mandelbulb comes from Tom Beddard's http://www.subblue.com and Enforcer's http://www.fractalforums.com/mandelbulb-implementation/realtime-renderingoptimisations/. MadelbulbGPU has been written using the ATI OpenCL SDK 2.0 on Linux but it should work on any platform/implementation (i.e. NVIDIA). History
How to compile Just edit the Makefile and use an appropriate value for ATISTREAMSDKROOT. Download: mandelbulbgpu-v1.0.tgz (includes sources, Linux 64bit binaries and Windows 32bit binaries) |