OpenCL Toys => JuliaGPU


Written by David Bucciarelli

JuliaGPU is a small and simple demo written in OpenCL in order to test the performance of this new standard. It is based on Keenan Crane's qjulia available at The idea of Ambient Occlusion comes from Tom Beddard's JuliaGPU has been written using the ATI OpenCL SDK 2.0 on Linux but it should work on any platform/implementation (i.e. NVIDIA). Some discussion about this little toy can be found at Luxrender's forum

A video of JuliaGPU is available here:


  • V1.2 - Updated to ATI SDK 2.0, improved normal calculation

  • V1.1 - Added checkered background, added fast mode rendering

  • V1.0 - First release

How to compile

Just edit the Makefile and use an appropriate value for ATISTREAMSDKROOT.

Download: juliagpu-v1.2.tgz (includes sources, Linux 64bit binaries and Windows 32bit binaries)